Child loss

Loving through loss

On Saturday 23 September 2023 we will be holding a Couples Workshop in the Rectory at St George’s Church, Taunton. The workshop is part of a grief support programme developed by Red Bird Ministeries and focuses on supporting individuals and couples who have experienced the loss of a child of any age and any circumstance. Including miscarriage, stillbirth, or after birth as an infant, child, adolescent, or adult.

The day will begin with Mass at 09.30hrs and be followed by a series of video presentations and group discussions. The day will end around 4.30pm and tea/coffee and a light lunch will be provided. 

The programme for the day will include discussions about:
  • Communication in grief
  • Finding healing
  • Thriving after loss
  • How the Sacraments can heal us
  • Giving Glory to God 
We recognise that everyone experiences grief differently and that people will be at different stages in their healing. If you are interested in joining the workshop or would like to talk to someone first, please contact Father Tom or the parish office (01823 272700)

Red Bird Ministeries 
Red Bird Ministries was founded by Ryan and Kelly Breaux. Through personally experiencing the loss of a child and through their own
suffering, the thirst of bringing those who suffer back to the light and to the Lord grew. The death of any loved one is a traumatic and complicated experience. There is a unique impact however of losing a child. Red Bird Ministries’ mission is to serve those who are suffering from loss.

When we explore grief ministry and its many aspects being lived out in community, we experience what it means to console one another. In every parish, there are those who are suffering the loss of a loved one. 

It is our mission to reach out to our families and gently help them realize that eventually, their loving God will turn their darkness into light. We want our parishioners to have an opportunity to flock together in the spirit of building a community where they can
openly share the uniqueness of their journey through grief. Grief is a process that each person experiences uniquely in his or her own way. There is no doubt that grief comes with pain, a pain that varies in different degrees for each person. The most common reactions to the death
of a loved one are shock, denial, anger, guilt, sadness, and finally acceptance. These may be felt in sequence or all at once.