
Our fabric and finance team have a broad range of skills in accountancy, property, law and management. They draw up the annual budget and monitor this, as well as preparing and overseeing our regular five year plan for maintenance of our buildings.

Iwona Silverio is the parish treasurer for the Taunton parishes. Chris Shackleton is treasurer for the Wellington and Wivelicombe churches. John Macaulay is gift aid secretary for the Wellington and Wiveliscombe churches while Robert Zelazik is gift aid secretary for the Taunton parishes.

The other members of our finance team are Jim Hawkins, Sue Morkane, Paul Tighe, Deacon Trevor Jones, Richard Antliff, Fr Tom Dubois and Doug Lowe. Members serve a three-year term which is renewable. We welcome nominations for new members of the team.

In this section you can find the latest financial results for each of our parishes. There is also an independent charity, the Friends of St George, which exists to help finance the costs of the upkeep and refurbishment of the buildings at St George’s. Their annual report is also available here.

We have regular quinquennial surveys carried out on each of our churches in order to be able to plan and budget maintenance work to keep all the buildings in good repair. These are available here: