Parish groups

We have a wide variety of parish groups and activities. There are also a variety of ministries that parishioners can be involved in. If you’d like further details of any of these, please contact the parish office.


Prayer groups

The parish offers a variety of different opportunities to take part in prayer groups:

Charismatic prayer group 

There is a charismatic prayer group that meets on Wednesday evenings from 7.15 to 8.30pm in the Taunton Catholic Centre

Ignatian prayer group

Our Ignatian prayer group meets on Thursdays from 1 to 2.15pm in the Taunton Catholic Centre


Mothers Prayer group

Our prayer group for mothers meets every other Thursday from 8-10pm in the Taunton Catholic Centre.


We have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at regular times listed here. You are very welcome to join the team of adorers and have a regular time of adoration each week or help to cover when people are away.



We have choirs and music groups at all of our parishes. Children and adults are warmly invited to join the choirs. Instrumentalists are also most welcome. Choir rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings at St George’s, with the junior choir for children taking place from 7 – 8.15pm and the adult choir from 7.30 – 9pm. If you would be interested in finding out more about the choirs at St George’s or joining these, please contact Anne-Marie Twort on 01823 253 293. At St Teresa’s, rehearsals take place at 10.30am on Sunday mornings. For more information about the choir and music group at St Teresa’s please contact Eileen Binding on 01823 337553 or email At St John Fisher, rehearsals take place on Thursday mornings at 9am.


There are a huge number of volunteers engaged in a variety of ministries and service to the parish. You would be most welcome to join any of these teams.

Altar servers

The altar servers assist at the altar with the celebration of Mass.


All of our parishes have a bookshop run by volunteers selling books, statues, cards and other religious items. They can also order items that aren’t in stock. The bookshops are open after Sunday Masses.


Teams of volunteers clean our church each week on a rota basis.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring communion to the sick and housebound of our parish as well as assisting with the distribution of communion at Masses on Sundays.

Flower arrangers

Our flower arrangers also operate on a rota basis and help create a beautiful environment for prayer.

At St George’s, the flower arrangements are usually done on a Thursday, (except during Advent and Lent) and the whole team comes together to decorate the church for Christmas and Easter. Typically, a team member will have 3 two-week turns on the rota throughout the year. New members would be welcome so if you have had previous experience or none but are willing to learn a new skill then please contact the Parish Office and Grace Rayson will provide you with more information.

We regret we are unable to provide specific floral arrangements for weddings.

Hopsital visitors

Our team of volunteers visits patients in hospital and brings them communion.


In the Taunton Catholic Centre, there is a small library in the entrance foyer. You are welcome to borrow books from this.


Our team of readers proclaim the Word of God from the Bible at Mass and other services.


We have teams of people who help to provide refreshments after Mass or at special events. New helpers who would be willing to help regularly or on an occasional basis are always welcome. On a regular basis we have tea and coffee available after both the Sunday Masses at St George’s in the Taunton Catholic Centre. In our other parishes we have a regular series of social events as advertised in the newsletter.


Our team of welcomers are there to greet people as they arrive at the Church and as they leave as well as answering any questions you may have.

Faith in Action

We have a variety of groups and activities in the church supporting the most vulnerable in our society and fundraising for different charities. You can find out more about these on our dedicated page.