Faith in action
Our faith leads us to action in supporting others, especially the most vulnerable, as well as engaging in care of the environment. We live this out through individual commitment, parish initiatives and partnership with other organisations and local Christians.

St Vincent de Paul (SVP)
The St Vincent de Paul Society (England & Wales) is part of an international Christian voluntary network dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms by providing practical assistance to people in need. Our local group visits people at home, organises housebound Masses for people otherwise unable to attend, organises fundraising soup lunches during Advent and Lent and provides practical assistance in many other ways to those in need.
Live Simply Award
We are currently working towards gaining the CAFOD LiveSimply Award.
We have put together an action plan which involves one major action and two smaller actions in three different areas: living simply, living sustainably and living in solidarity with people who are poor. We are carrying out these actions over the space of a year. If you’d like to get involved look out for regular updates in the newsletter and meetings throughout the year.

Red Bird Ministries
In partnership with Red Bird Ministries we provide support to families who have lost a child.
Food bank
We support our local food banks, collecting food and essentials at all our churches to give to these food banks. A number of parishioners also volunteer with the food banks.

Open Door
We support Open Door, a day centre for Taunton’s homeless community, collecting donations of items and financial contributions towards their work.
We do extensive fundraising and awareness raising for a variety of local and international charities.
These include:
- Aid to the Church in Need which supports Christians who are persecuted, oppressed or in pastoral need
- CAFOD – an international development charity
- The Little Sisters of the Poor who care for the elderly
- Mary’s Meals which provides children from some of the world’s poorest communities with a nutritious meal at school.
- Missio which supports local missionaries working alongside global communities that are poor or in need