Taunton Vale Catholics

The Catholic parishes of St George and St Teresa in Taunton, St John Fisher in Wellington and St Richard of Chichester in Wiveliscombe

Welcome to  St George’s, St Teresa’s, St John Fisher and St Richard of Chichester the Catholic parishes at the heart of Taunton, Wellington and Wiveliscombe, Somerset in England. We are a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic group of Catholic Christians and we are a vibrant community who love and serve our brothers and sisters in these beautiful towns and the surrounding countryside. 

What we do

Believing in God

We seek to nourish and support everyone in their journey of faith, wherever they may be, offering a range of opportunities for children and adults to grow in their faith and knowledge of God.

Celebrating the Sacraments

God gives us His life through the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick. We offer these sacraments and preparation to receive them.

A life of love and service

Our faith inspires the way in which we live with and treat other people and in particular how we support the most vulnerable in our society and wider world.


Prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God. We offer a wide range of opportunities for individual prayer, prayer groups, spiritual direction and formation in prayer.